Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year - 2010

Dear Friends,
I was still trying to get used to the fact that 2009 had come upon us, and now... here's 2010! In some ways life crawls and flies, all at the same time! As I look back over the year there is so much that I learned, hard times and blessings...
We got to see Beth, Vic, Hannah, and Sarah
We joined in membership with Millard Alliance Church
Joy Christine was born on March 6th, it has been SO fun having a little sister!
We opened our ice cream shop, The Family Garden on June 16th

There were also some hard things that were painful to varying degrees:
Grandma (Patrica Gwinn) passed away on May 25 (two days before my 19th BD)
May 27th was one of the hardest days of the whole year... Don't ask...
Losing a very dear friendship
Going through a test of a lesson that God was teaching me (ouch!)

But through it all God showed Himself faithful and carried us through it all. There are SO many memories from the past year and so many precious friendships that were strengthened. I am SO thankful for all of you that stuck with me through the worst of everything:).

It is my hope and prayer that God would richly bless each and every one of you throughout the year 2010.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tomorrow they Travel

Hey Y'all,
Please be praying for Victor, Bethany, Hannah, and Sarah as they fly out tomorrow morning. We'll be leaving at 6:30 for the airport (about an hour drive to Omaha), so please also pray for us as we drive! It's been such a blessing being able to visit with them, it's going to be so sad to see them go!!!
Well I'd better head to bed so I can be up on time. Thanks in advance for the prayers!
God Bless,

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Hello Everyone,
I hope y'all had a very blessed and joyous Christmas. I am overwhelmed as I think of the sacrifice we're celebrating. For Christ to leave the perfect communion of life with His Father to come to Earth as a helpless child, to pay the price for the debt that we've created by our rebellion against Him. Talk about taking your breath away. So many people are so wrapped up with what they got and what they wanted... but so many have missed the truly greatest gift, a gift perfectly given, not just a "want gift" but a "NEED gift". Christ's perfect gift perfectly filled our greatest need. We are truly blessed!
Spend a few moments contemplating this amazingly generous gift, it'll be quite a blessing.
Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Here on the Blogoshpere

Ok, after numerous requests I finally signed up for a blog! So here I am!
I chose the name... A Living Sacrifice, because thats what I want to be, alive to God, sacrificed totally to Him. I'll try and stay on top of this and post periodic updates on the family also. Please leave a post and let me know if you stopped by!